

Unified International School and Colleges have a convention of instructing its students with significant qualities and values like tolerance, regard for other people, obligation for the nation, headway of administration, advancement of leadership where learning to serve is part of learning to lead, sharing with others who have less. Leadership is often better when it is set by examples.

Unified International education system aims at a broad view of the curriculum. It does not regard its main purpose only to examine, grade or certificate its students on some approved external syllabi. It is not only to act within the spirit of the syllabi laid down by the relevant public examination and other authorities, but to offer more to the students, taking full advantage of the independent nature of the school.

We encourage our students to find their own strengths, nurturing enthusiasm and their individual methods, creating avenues for acquisition of knowledge and awareness. Their academic excellence is appreciated and celebrated.

Students get exposure through classroom teachings, assemblies, counseling, visiting speakers, group discussions, debates, declamations, drama, sports and many opportunities available to them. Life in Pride teaches the importance of values and principles of daily life.

Syllabus 2023

New Oxford Modern English Starter 
English Worksheets
(Unified International Schools)
Urdu Ka Guldasta (Kalian)Pg# 1 to 33
Urdu Worksheets
(Unified International Schools)
Urdu Khushkhati Silsila IbtidaiPg#1 to 17
New Countdown StarterPg# 1 to 33
Math Worksheets
(Unified International Schools)
Play to GrowPg#1 to 13
Class Nursery
New Oxford Modern English StarterPg#1 to 25
English Worksheets
(Unified International Schools)
“a” to “e” reading and writing. Column Matching. Match the picture to the word. Same letter matching. Same picture matching.
Urdu Ka Guldasta (Gulaab)Pg 3 to 50
Urdu Worksheets
(Unified International Schools)
Urdu Khushkhati Silsila IbtidaiPg#1 to 17
New Countdown StarterPg# 2 to 45
Math Worksheets
(Unified International Schools)
Play to LearnPg#1 to 13
Class Prep
New Oxford Modern English StarterPg#1 to 25
English Worksheets
(Unified International Schools)
“a” to “e” reading and writing. Column Matching. Match the picture to the word. Same letter matching. Same picture matching.
Urdu Ka Guldasta (Kalian)Pg# 1 to 33
” Alif” se “Khy” tk.
Urdu Worksheets
(Unified International Schools)
Writing. Column matchimg. Matching of same letters.Matching of letter & pictures.
Urdu Khushkhati Silsila IbtidaiPg#1 to 17
New Countdown StarterPg# 1 to 33
Math Worksheets
(Unified International Schools)
. Counting 1 to 10. Concept of “Few and many, More and less. full and empty. hot and cold”. Same number matching. Same picture matching.
Creative Art & Activity Book APg#1 to 13
Grade 1
New Oxford Modern English Book 11.  Anwar’s dream
2.  My cat
3.  The lucky leaf
4 . The Earth is round
Step By Step English Grammar 1Page No # 6 to 24
New Countdown 11. Getting ready
2. Whole numbers
3. Addition
Table 1 to 5
Science1. Characteristics   
2. Animals
3. All about me
Urdu Ka Guldasta
Nardban Urduمفرد  حروف تہجی سے الفاظ کی ترتیب تک
Online With Computer1. Know your Computer
2. Parts of a Computer
ISLAMIATباب اوّل مکمل
Grade 2
New Oxford Modern English Book 1. Spirit of sacrifice
2. The mice and the elephant
3. I wonder
English GrammarPage No# 6 to 21
New Countdown1.      whole Numbers
2.      Addition
3. Subtraction
Table 1 to 10
Science1.      More About Animals
2.      All about Plants
3. The Natural Environmen
Urdu Text Bookحمد ،  نعت ، سیر و سیاحت ، ورزش کے فائدے ، وقت کی پابندی ، مزاحیہ
Nardban Urduمفرد حروف تہجی سے دہرائے تک۔
مکالمہ نویسی۔
Online With Computer1. Computer around Us
2. Parts of Computer
ISLAMIATناظرہ قرآن مجید  سے دعائیں تک
Grade 3
New Oxford Modern English Book 1. The wooden bowl
2. Playtime
3. Abdul Sattar Edhi
4. The flying machine-II
Step By Step English GrammarPage No# 6 to 26
New Countdown1.      Whole Numbers
2. Number Operation
Table 1 to 14
Science1.      Life Cycle of Plants and Animals
2.      Food
3.      Ecosystem and Homes of
4. Organisms
Urdu Text Bookحمد ، نعت ، دیانت داری ، علاقائی کھیل ، اسلام علیکم
Nardban Urduاعادہ ، حروف تہجی ، ذخیرہ الفاظ ، مہینے اور موسم ، ہم قافیہ الفاظ ، گنتی ، واحد جمع
مضمون نویسی
Online With Computer1. Computer Fundamentals and Devices
2. Computer Care
3. Introduction to MS Windows 7
ISLAMIATناظرہ قرآن مجید سے نبوت و رسالت تک
Grade 4
New Oxford Modern English Book1. The Spirit of Ramadan
2. Shandur Polo Festival
3. Pip meets a Convict
4. From Railway Carriage
Step By Step English GrammarPage No# 6 to 20
New Countdown1. Whole Numbers and Operations
2. Factors and Multiples
3. Fractions
Table 1 to 17
Science1. Characteristics and Life Processes of Organisms
2. Ecosystem
3. Earth and its resources
4. Earth’s weather and climates
Urdu Text Bookسبق حمد سے حضرت رابعہ بصری رحمہ اللہ
Nardban Urduحروف تہجی کی ترتیب سے مثبت اور منفی جملے تک
خطوط نویسی
Online With Computer1.      How does a Computer Work
2.      Characteristics Of a Computer
3. MS Windows 7
ISLAMIATناظرہ قرآن مجید سے حقوق اللہ تک
Grade 5
New Oxford Modern English Book 1.      The World in a Wall
2.      Does He Remember
3.      Sour Grapes
4. Collecting Things
Step By Step English GrammarPage No# 6 to 23
New Countdown1. Whole Numbers and operations
2. Multiples and factors
3. Fractions
Table 1 to 20
Urdu Text Bookسبق حمد سے میرا پاکستان تک۔
Nardban Urduحروف کو ترتیب دے کر الفاظ بنانا سے محاورات کا استعمال
خطوط نویسی
Online With Computer1. Evolution of Computers 
2. Computer Memory
3. Networks and Multimedia
4. Computer Software
ISLAMIATناظرہ قرآن مجید سے عیدین تک
Grade 6
New Oxford Modern English Book 61. Mother to Son
2. Nicobobinus
3. The Old Brown Horse
4. A Polar Explorer
5. The Great Train Journey
The GrammarGrammar Tree : Lesson 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
New Countdown 61.      Introduction to Sets
2.      Natural Numbers and whole Numbers
3.      Factors and Multiples
4.      Factorization HCF LCM
5. Integers
Table 1 to 20
Science Fact File
Book 1
1.      Life and living things
2.      Plants and photosynthesis
3.      Food and digestion
4. The environment
Science Fact File Workbook 1 Same Chapters
Urdu Ka Guldasta
حمد ,                 نعت ،                        قصئہ سلیمان علیہ السلام
چچا چھکن نے دھوبی کو کپڑے دیئے ،                     نظم : بیٹے کی قربانی
حکایات سعدی رحمتہ اللہ علیہ،              ضرب المثل
Nardban Urdu 6املا،                     علامات وقف ،                     فعل کی مطابقت فاعل کے ساتھ،              واحد جمع،          فعل کی اقسام
مذکر مؤنث،                 اسم ضمیر،              آپ
تفہیم:            عیدین ،          مولانا محمد علی جوہر
کہانی نویسی
Online With Computer1.      Internet
2.      Electronic mail
3. Computer viruses and their effects
ISLAMIATباب اول :  القرآن الکریم (مکمل)
باب دوم:  ایمانات اور عبادات (مکمل)
باب سوم:  سیرت طیبہ(صلح حدیبیہ،  فرماں رواوں کو دعوت اسلام)
QURAN ہمارے پیارے نبی محمد
قرآن مجید کے آداب
سورت الفاتحہ سے سورت الماعون تک
حضرت آدم علیہ السلام
حضرت نوح علیہ السلام
Grade 7
New Oxford Modern English Book1. Adventure of Isabel
2. Light in The Night
3. Black Beauty
4. The Story of Invitation
5. The Namin Cat
The Grammar TreeGrammar Tree: Chapter: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
New Countdown1.      Operations on sets
2.      Rational numbers
3.      Decimal numbers
4.      Squares and scare roots
5. Exponent
Table 1 to 20
Science Fact File
1.      Plants and their system
2.      Sounds and hearing
3.      Light
4. The Rock Cycle, Rocks and Weathering
Science Fact File Workbook  Same Chapters
Urdu Text Bookحمد,              نعت
 قصہ یوسف علیہ السلام
 نظم: ایک آرزو
 گھریلو ملازمہ نے نوبل انعام پایا  نظم: بارش کا پہلا قطرہ
معذور بچہ دنیا کا سب سے بڑا موجد بنا
Nardban Urdu 6روزمرہ،          واحد جمع،              اسمائے جمع،               مذکر مونث،               الفاظ کا درست استعمال
اسم نکرہ کی اقسام،                   مرکبات،     
تفہیم:                   مسجد نبوی صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم،                   قدرت کا کمال
خطوط نویسی
Online With Computer1.      Computer Software
2.      More features of MS word 2010
3.      Mail Merge in MS Word 2010
4. Functions in QBasic
ISLAMIATباب اول: القرآن الکریم (مکمل)
باب دوم: ایمانات اور عبادات (مکمل)
باب سوم : سیرت طیبہ (فتح مکہ ،  غزوہ حنین)
QURAN سورت النبا سے سورت الطارق
حضرت ابراھیم علیہ السلام
Grade 8
New Oxford Modern English Book 
New Oxford Modern English Workbook 
The Grammar Tree 
New CountdownOperations on sets
Squares and scare roots
Cube & Cube Roots
Table 1 to 20
Science Fact File
1.      Environmental chemistry
2.      Work and energy
3.      Reproduction in plant
4. Salt
Science Fact File Workbook  Same Chapters
Urdu Text Book 
Nardban Urdu 
Online With Computer1.      Computer System and Devices
2.      Programming in Basic
3.      HTML
4. Advance Algorithms and flowcharts
ISLAMIATباب دوم: ایمانات اور عبادات (مکمل)
باب سوم : سیرت طیبہ (رسول اکرم ﷺ کے اخلاق ،  صبر و تحمل، اخلاق و تقوی، عدل)
QURAN سورت الزخرف سے سورت العصر
حضرت عیسیٰ علیہ السلام

Unified International Group of Schools & Colleges


Country Head Office 408 D2, Wapda Town Lahore



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