Staff Development Introduction

Trends in education are changing day by day. Unified International Schools and Colleges Network Management arranges training workshops throughout the year to equip the teachers with latest teaching methods and techniques. Renowned educationists are invited to share their knowledge with Unified faculty to improve their educational teaching skills. Selected members also attend the various teacher training courses at various institutes.

Through the Unified International Schools and Colleges System, we have established a network that imparts high quality education without discrimination. We want to develop true Muslims who are holistically groomed and empowered to meet the challenging world. For this purpose we have standardized our standards. Besides providing the latest learning techniques, our mission is to inculcate Islamic values, moral and ethical development.

Training module for franchisee with two major domains:
  1. Administrative (Leaders, Management Staff, Clerical Staff)
  2. Academic (Leaders, Teachers, Operational management staff)



a) Initial Probation

Initial probation for any position is of 90 working days. During these 90 days, the new inductee is assessed for the following on HR/:

  • Attendance;
  • Positive attitude towards feedback and development;
  • Attitude towards stake-holders, colleagues and superiors;
  • Job knowledge;
  • Skills required for the job;
  • Implementation of lesson Plans ;
  • Regularity and accurate checking of the class work and homework;
  • Teaching Methodology;
  • Willing to work beyond Job Description;

(10) Or any other assigned task(s).

b) First Extension

If an employee fails to show performance in the probationary period and the Management thinks that the employee has the potential to improve, his/her probation should be extended for another 60 working days.

Probation should not be extended if the employee has behavioral problems.

c) Second and Final Extension

If an employee shows minimal improvement in the first extension and the Management thinks that the employee still needs to show his/her potential. The Management can extend the first extinction into the second and Final Extension of 30 working days.

If an employee has availed both the extensions i.e. first and second extensions, and has not showed any improvement, his/her services with the School should be terminated.


Academic Induction Program

  •  Teaching Methodology
  •  Leave Policy
  • General Rules
  • Parent Teacher Meeting

 Non Academic Induction Program

  •  General Leave Policy
  • General Rules
  • General Behavior

All the staff of the School must go through Induction Program to assimilate employees with the required Rules & Regulations.

For Academic Staff the new inductees should be trained on the policy:

a) Required Teaching Methodology;

b) Leave Policy;

c) General Rules;

d) Code of Conduct;

e) Parent Teacher Meetings.

for Non-Academic Staff, the new inductees will get orientation on:

a) General Rules

b) Leave Policy

d) General Behavior


Leave is defined as:

  1. Casual Leave
  2. Sick Leave
  3. Maternity Leave
  4. a) Employees on Probation

During the Probation period the Academic and Non-Academic Staff are not entitle to any Casual Leave/Sick leave or Maternity Leave. If an employee goes on leave during Probation, he/she is marked as absent and the leave should be considered as unpaid leave.

  1. b) Permanent Staff

After serving a successful Probationary period, the permanent staff is entitled to casual, sick and maternity leaves.

  1. c) Leaves Not Allowed
  2. Leave(s) without permission;
  3. Leaves during Examinations, School Functions, and Teachers Meeting and Training Sessions
  4. Short Leaves without Emergency or Medical problem
  5. d) What should be considered as leave?

If an employee gets late for three days in a month, it is considered as one leave (01). This will be deducted from casual leave and if there are no casual leaves left, then it must be considered as an unpaid leave.

If an employee gets Short Leave Two (2) days in a month, it is considered as one leave (01). This will be deducted from casual leave and if there are no casual leaves left, then it must be considered as an unpaid leave.

LeavesAcademicBusiness SupportFrequency
Casual / Sick leaves2 days2 daysPer Month
Maternity03 weeks03 weeksOne Three years
  1. Casual Leave & Sick Leaves

All employees at the institute are entitled to 18 days Leaves (Sick leave + Casual Leaves) per Academic year.

  1. Permanent Academic and None Academic Staff are allowed to avail a maximum of 02 days leaves in every working month of an Academic Session.
  2. If an employee does not avail Leaves entitled in a month, the leaves can carries forward to the next month or the leaves should be considered as paid leaves.
  3. Permanent Academic and None Academic Staff are not allowed to avail a maximum of 01 days leaves if there is any one day (1) Holidays in any working month of an Academic Session.
  4. Permanent Academic and None Academic Staff are not allowed to avail any leaves if there is more than 1 day Holidays in any working month of an Academic Session.
  5. If an employee does not avail any leaves during an academic session the leaves must not be carries forward the next Academic Session and salary is too paid for unveiled casual leaves.
  6. Maternity Leave

All female staff (Academic & Non-Academic Staff) is entitled to forty Days (40) Maternity Leaves.

  1. Maternity can be availed once in two years;
  2. If an employee applies for maternity leaves in to consecutive years, her application must not be entertained;
  3. In case if there is Maternity Leave, the employee can half of total unpaid Leave and half of total paid Leaves;
  4. Maternity Leave must be applied at least one month in advance of the commencement date of maternity leave.
  5. Child bearing / Parental Leave

There is no policy to avail Child bearing / Parental Leave. However, if an employee wants to avail Child bearing / Parental Leaves for the sole purpose of taking care of her child, the leave should be granted without salary and the job must be subject to vacancy.

  1. Sabbatical Leave

Sabbatical Leave is granted for travel, formal study or independent study. There is no policy grant sabbatical leave. However, if an employee wants to avail this leave, then the leave must be without salary, a new person should be hired in that employee’s place and the employee after availing the sabbatical leave can only join the School if there is a vacancy.

  1. Annual Leave

Annual Leave is subject to the Summer Vacation / Winter Vacation as defined in the Academic Calendar of the School.

However, Administrative Staff and Non Academic Staff can avail 15 days leaves as Annual Leave during the Summer Vacation only.

  1. Eligibility

During the Probation Period, no employee is entitled to Casual, Sick or Maternity Leave. If an employee goes on leave during the probation, he/she must be marked absent and the leaves should be considered as unpaid leave.

Any employee after the completion of Successful Probation Period is entitled to Casual, Sick and Maternity Leave (if applicable).

  1. Procedure for Applying for Leave

LEAVE: Applicable to permanent Staff Only

Academic Staff

Leave Application Form should be filled in by the employee wither before going on leave or joining the school after the leave. The Leave must be approved by the Principal.

Non Academic Staff

Leave Application Form should be filled either by the applicant or if not possible, the front desk can fill it on the behalf of the applicant. The leave should be approved by the Principal

(1) Procedure for Applying for Leave

  1. Leave is entertained on the Leave Application Form Handwritten / verbal / telephonic requests / information through SMS is discouraged as primary source of information of absence;
  2. The employee before going on leave fills in the Leave Application Form and must get it sanctioned by the Principal;
  3. In case of an emergency, if the employee is not able to apply for leave, then he/she must fill in the leave Application Form after joining the school for regular duties;
  4. The Principal has the discretionary powers to accept or reject a request for leave.
  5. Late Arrivals

Late arrivals are only allowed in the following situation:

  1. Rain:
  2. Fog
  3. Strikes

The employees should be in the School before the start of the “First Period”. Arrival after the the first period is considered as “Late Arrival”.


All the employees have personal legal responsibilities, including; treating other with dignity and respect; acting honestly, using School’s equipment appropriately, adhering to health and safety guidelines. These expectations are set out below and should be fully observed by all the staff at the School.

  1. Alcohol & Drug Use (All Staff)

Employees are supposed to behave responsibly at all time and that of those around them. Therefore, working under the influence of alcohol and drugs is strictly prohibited.

  1. a) Academic Staff

The School and College recognize its Academic Staff as Role-Models for student’s development as responsible and self-disciplined citizens.

1) The Teachers responsibilities to the Pupils in his/her Care:

  1. The teacher should give foremost consideration to the pupil’s well being.
  2. The teacher should direct his/her whole professional effort to assist the pupil to develop his/her whole personality including his ability to work.
  3. The teacher should foster in his/her pupils’ honesty, integrity, and consideration for others and must do nothing, by precept or example, to discredit these qualities.
  4. The teacher should act, and must be seen to act, with justice.
  5. The teacher should recognize that each child is an individual and that children can differ in what is required for the promotion of their education.
  6. The teacher should recognize an obligation to assist all pupils under his/ her charge to develop their talents suitably and to the fullest extent feasible.
  7. The teacher should recognize that he/she must work with parents to promote the welfare of pupils, particularly by consulting and involving parents, whenever this is desirable.
  8. The teacher should make reasonable effort to protect the pupil from conditions harmful to learning or to health and safety.
  9. The teacher must not intentionally expose the pupil to embarrassment or disparagement.
  10. The teacher should not use professional relationship with pupil for private advantage.
  11. The teacher should not disclose information about pupils obtained in the course of professional service unless such disclosure serves a compelling professional purpose or is required by law.
  12. The Teacher’s Responsibilities to his/her Colleagues
  13. The teacher must respect the professional standing and opinions of his/her colleagues and should maintain in his/her relations with then the highest standards of professional courtesy.
  14. The teacher should be prepared to help in all possible ways junior colleagues and those in training.
  15. The teacher should accept the authority of senior professional colleagues while retaining the right to express professional opinion.
  16. The teacher should recognize his/her obligation to advance the causes of education and hence the causes of the teaching profession.
  17. The teacher should recognize his/her obligation to improve his/her effectiveness as a teacher in every possible way.
  18. The teacher should recognize his/her responsibility for his/her own actions and judgments and he/she should be prepared to stand by their consequences.
  19. The teacher should recognize his/her duty to manifest responsibility, individual initiative, and integrity in his/her teaching and other professional action within guidelines laid down for the profession.
  20. The teacher should not knowingly make a false statement concerning the qualification and competence of a candidate applying for a position.
  21. The teacher should not accept gift, or favor that might impair or appear to influence professional decisions or actions.
  22. It’s should not be correct for any senior professional colleague or any teacher to criticize their work in the hearing of pupils and/or the parents or Non-Academic Staff.
  23. It should not be correct for any teacher by public stamen to bring the profession, School or Head Teacher/Principal into disrepute.
  24. The Teacher Responsibilities to the Parents
  25. The teacher should recognize the right of a parent to consult him/her, through proper channels, on the welfare or progress of a pupil. The teacher should recognize the right of a parent to be consulted about any matter which concerns the future development of his child.
  26. The teacher should do nothing to undermine lawful parental authority, but shall be prepared to give advice which, in his professional view, is in the best interest of the pupil.
  27. The teacher should make every effort to encourage parents to interest themselves actively in the education and welfare of their children.
  28. Continuous Professional Development
  29. It is mandatory for the staff to participate in Professional development activates arranged and organized by the institute;
  30. All the material used in professional development is the property of the Institute.
  31. General Rules
  32. a) Teachers are not allowed Mobile phones, Tablets, etc it is mandatory for all teaching staff to submit their Mobile phones in office before starting of school time and collect at the end of school time.

Note: The Attendance will not count in case of not submitting mobile phone.

  1. It is not allowed for any staff member to pick any thing or sit in School offices without permission.
  2. Be loyal with your institute and do not tell the secrets of your school to outsiders.
  3. Without getting permission you cannot allow any student to do any work such as party, leave etc.
  4. Teacher cannot leave the class before/during the scheduled time period.
  5. Teachers will have to check and sign the student’s dairies on daily basis.
  6. Teachers must maintain &check the note books of the students according to the notebooks standards.
  7. Teachers must do duties assigned by management (break time ,off time ,examination etc)
  8. Teachers must check students papers correctly and accurately and make results correctly
  9. Teachers must maintain students papers/test files
  10. It is mandatory to Permanent Staff must sign MOU to complete academic session.
  11. It is mandatory to Permanent Staff must submit one month salary as a security (Refundable).
  12. Teaching staff is strictly avoid to give physical punishment to students
  13. Management can fine on violation of any rule to the staff
  14. Any staff member is strictly prohibited to discuss sectarian or political issues with students and any staff member.
  15. Teachers are bound to take additional periods in case of absence of any teacher.
  16. Security Guards of day and night are responsible for any things/equipments theft or damage during summer and winter break.


Dress code plays an essential part in student learning and development. Teacher are considers as role-models and must act like role-models by following the dress code.

  1. Academic
  2. a) Male Staff should;
  • Wear light colored shirt with dark pants or dark colored shirt with light pants.
  • Wear neck-tie during School hours.
  • Wear Light Colors shalwar kameez only.
  • Wear polished shoes.
  • Come to institute shaven. However, exception can be made only to those who want to keep beard as a religious norm.
  • Keep a neat and small hair cut.
  • Wear Photo ID during the institute hours.
  1. b) Female Staff should;
  • Wear well pressed clothed.
  • Wear Abaya and Scarf (colors recommended by administration)
  • Avoid wearing shocking colors like red, orange etc as they are distracters to the students.
  • Avoid excessive use of makeup and jewelry.
  • Wear shoes with moderate soft heels.
  • Avoid party wear.
  • Avoid long Nail and Nail Polish
  • Wear Photo ID during the institute hours hours.
  1. Non-Academic
  2. a) Office Staff
  3. Admin Officer/Office Assistant/Computer should.

Follow the dress code of male teaching staff.

  1. Lab In Charge should;
  2. Wear neat and clean clothes with overall;
  3. Wear overall during practical’s;
  4. Wear polished shoes;
  5. Have neat hair cut;
  6. Wear Photo ID during the campus hours.
  7. Security Guards should;
  8. Wear black malashia shalwar kameez with belt.
  9. Wear blue cap.
  10. Wear polished shoes.
  11. Be clean shaven, however, exception can be made only to those who want to keep beard as religious norm.
  12. Wear Photo ID during the institute hours.
  13. Peons should;
  14. Wear khaki well pressed shalwar kameez.
  15. Have neat hair cut.
  16. Be clean shaven, however, exception can be made only those who want to keep beard as a religious norm.
  17. Aya should;
  18. Wear neat, clean and well-passed uniform.
  19. Wear navy blue shalwat kameez and navy blue dupatta.
  20. Wear flat heels.
  21. Wear Photo ID during the institute hours.

All staff irrespective of designations must wear name tags during working hours.



The institute not makes any salary advance to employees on Probation to Permanent Staff.


School will pay salaries to their human resource through designation Bank or by cash. The salary should be transferred by the management to the account of the Human Resource of the School.

  1. Salary will pay to the staff on 10th to15th date of every month.
  2. Summer Break Months Salary will not pay to those whose are in probationary period
  3. Summer Break Months Salary will pay to the Permanent staff only on Completing Academic session.
  5. In case of Court or Government decision that schools cannot collect fee of summer vacation then salary will not pay to academic and non academic staff.
  6. In case of court or Government decision that school can collect half fee of total of summer break then half salary will pay to the academic and non academic staff.
  7. Only annual increment will be made on completing the year according to the date of joining.
  8. Annual increment will be made as Minimum five (5) and maximum ten (10) percent of basic pay.
  9. After the successfully completing the probationary period their will not be make any pay increment,

Fee increment will apply only on completing the year.

SPECIAL NOTE: in case of Emergency Situation duration Schools and colleges closed like Corona virus salary will pay Half of Total to those whose are permanent staff members, teachers 

  2. Academic

Teacher ►Senior Teacher► Head Teacher► Principal

  1. Non-Academic Staff

Guard► Peon► Office Assistant ► Lab In charge ► Admin officer

We  believes that all its employees have the right to grow. However, any employee of the School can apply against a vacant position if he/she fulfills the Hiring Policy.


Senior              Head               Principal

Teacher           Teacher

Succession Plan identifies the role of the Staff at the school if the Senior Management of the School is on leave.

In case of the Principal going on leave, Vice Principal/Coordinator/Senior Teacher should manage the School in absence of the Principal. However, the Principal should be considered present as he/she remains in contact with the appointed replacement.

The appointed replacement must not take any administrative decisions including hiring / firing / chance of the schedule / holding meetings or any other. If there is a School function / Activity scheduled during the absence of the School Principal, the Principal, before going on leave must organize the function and assign duties to the responsible personal of the School.


We believe that every employee has the right to work in a safe environment that is conductive for an employee to work at the optimum.

  1. What is Harassment?

Harassment is defined as an unwanted conduct which has the purpose of violating a person’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment.

Some of the most prevalent forms of harassment include the following:

Harassment – General Principles

  1. A member of staff at the institute who feels that he/she is the subject to harassment (either by a colleague, a student or anyone else whom they come into contact with in the course of their work) may wish to make a note of incidents, dates times and any witnesses, for future reference.
  2. The staff member can register a complaint using the Complain Form at the Principal’s office.
  3. No action should be taken by the School administration on an informal Complaint.
  4. Investigating a Formal Complaint

On receipt Complaint Form a formal complaint of harassment is forward under confidential cover to the Principal.

The Principal/Head Teacher confirm the complaint through Complain form

  1. Time Frame

The harassment complaint must be lodged against a fellow employee or student on immediate grounds.

A week old complaint is considered as mala fide.

The institute should take prompt action on Formal Complaint made by an employee.

  • Process
Formal Complaint
Receives acknowledgement of the complaint
Investigation process
Decision conveyed to the complaint and the accused
1 working day
5 working days
2 working days
1 working day
Outcome of investigation
Management interviews complaint on the grounds of formal complaint
Register a Formal Complaint with the management

 If any member of the staff has a harassment complaint against any fellow employee, he/she should file a Formal Complaint using Complaint Form

On filing the complaint, the Principal signs an acknowledge receipt Form, The Principal/Head Teacher calls the complainant and inquires about the issue. This part of the process has to be done within 1 day of the complaint is lodged.

During the investigation process, the Principal/Head Teacher interviews the accused and other employees so that there is no element of discrimination or favoritism. This process is completed within 5 working days.

If the complaint is found accurate and there is no mala fide intentions found, the management must convey the decision to both the parties within 1 working day.

If the complaint is found to be made on mala fide intention, the decision of the management should be conveyed to both the parties within 1 working day and disciplinary action must be taken against the complainant.


Employee termination is the release of an employee against his or her will. Termination may be:

  1. At will;
  2. For cause;
  3. For lack of performance.

Terminations should be handled consistently pursuant to the guidelines that follow. Before proceeding with any termination, School Principal must review all appropriate policy statements.

Non Academic
·         Termination at will (Resignation)·         Termination for Behavior·         Lack of Performance·
Termination of Service
 Applicable to Permanent Staff Only
Academic Staff
·         Termination at will (Resignation)·         Termination for Behavior·         Lack of Performance

  (1) Types of Termination

  1. a) Termination-at-will

All the employees at the School can terminate their services with the School wither by giving a One Month’s (01) Notice or leaving their One Month’s (01) salary in lieu of Notice Period.

  1. b) Termination for Behavior

An employee can be terminated:

  • Attendance/Irregularity
  • Conflict of Interest;
  • Disclosing Confidential Information;
  • Substance abuse;
  • Discrimination and Harassment;
  • Sexual Assault;
  • Workplace violence;
  • Personal Leave of Absence;
  • Progressive Corrective Action.

 c) Involuntary Termination & Dismissal of Employment

  • Unsuccessful completion of Probationary Period;
  • Falsification of Information;
  • Failure to Report for duties;
  • Absenteeism;
  • Tardiness;
  • Job Abandonment.

d) Process for Termination

Termination of Service
Termination on the grounds of behavior and other involuntary grounds
Non Academic
Checklist Pre-Termination
Non Academic
Written warning if applicable
Non Academic
Termination Letter
Termination Letter
Written warning if applicable
Academic Staff
Academic Staff
Checklist Pre-Termination
Academic Staff
  1. Before an employee is terminated due to any reason or reasons as stated in the policy the Principal must into the fault of the employee or the system through checklist.
  2. The Principal should ensure that the Personal File of the employee is reviewed and there is proper documentation supporting the Termination decision, including investigations, Written communicated and signed warning and witness statements;
  3. That the Termination is not contradictory to the Policy;
  4. That the other employee/s has not been treated under the same or similar circumstance;
  5. That the employee has been subject to progressive discipline;
  6. If all the conditions have been met with, the employee must be served with the Termination Letter

The purpose of violation of rules and to advert from violation. Warning letter can also serve as first step before dismissal of an employee. Oral or verbal warning can be conveyed to an employee if the issue is not serious enough to give a written warning. The sole authority to issue a written warning lies with the School Management.

Unexcused Absence
  1. Reasons for a warning letter can be:
Misuse of School Resources
Negligence at work
Alcohol or drug abuse
Violation of Rules & Regulations
Sickness pretence
Working for another organization
Insult or assault on Management, colleagues or students
Deficiency in performance
  1. Annulment of Warning Letter

Warning Letter must be filed in the Employee However, if the employee improves and no Warning letter is issued in a year time, the Warning Letter is annulled and it will not be referred to Annual performance Appraisal of an employee.

  1. Warning Letter Leading to Termination

If an employee has served two warning letters on the same issue, the third warning letter must be considered as Termination Letter.

If an employee gets two warning letters on different issues, the third should be considered as Termination of served.

If an employee gets a Warning Letter on behavior, the second letter must be considered as Show cause Letter.

In case of sexual assault, or physical assault, the employee must be terminated on immediate grounds.

  1. Experience Letter

All employees at The School on leaving their job/s should be given Experience Letter. Experience Letter for willful termination of services should be.


Conflict of interests is defined as “A conflict between the private interests and the official responsibilities of a person in a position of trust”.

Conflict of interests defined below.

  1. No employee from the teaching staff is to gain advantage in Assessment Process by failing a student to give private tuition.
  2. No Non-Academic Staff is to get tip from the Parents on the Result Day.
  3. No Staff member of the School is the get any favors in terms of; gets hospitality or other personal favors.

Performance of all the staff at the School must be assessed.

  1. Recommended Forms should be used for Academic Staff only. The date collected through:
  2. Lesson observation;
  3. Language skills;
  4. Content knowledge;
  5. Teaching practices;
  6. Inter-personal skills;
  7. Dress code;
  8. Attitude;

The assessment must highlight achievements for the Academic Session, areas to improve on and areas of concern. For Non-Academic Staff following areas should assess:

  1. Regularity
  2. Seriousness in taking the responsibility;
  3. Participation in School activities.

Special Note: Rules and Regulations Terms and conditions of HR’s can be change time to time.

                          This HR is affected from session 2023-24


I have read and understand carefully all the points written in this chapter of “Human resource”

Name: ____Signature: __________Date: __________.

Unified International Group of Schools & Colleges


Country Head Office 408 D2, Wapda Town Lahore



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